• Funeral plans

    So there has been a couple deaths in my life this past week. One was my Wife’s cousin, and the other one was a co-worker. Both died too young because of cancer. Because of the cancer, both planned what they wanted for a funeral.

    My Wife’s cousin had every little detail planned. She wanted to have one final beer with everybody, so that’s what she got. There was a keg in the front of the church and they passed around cups and pitchers, and we all drank together, even the pastor had a sip. It was different, but was pretty cool.

    My co-worker didn’t want anything. He was single, didn’t have much of a family, and wasn’t religious. He didn’t want any kind of ceremony, so that’s what he got.

    It was nice to see both of these families following the wishes of their deceased family member. I’ve heard stories of families not doing what their deceased family members wanted because nobody would ever really know. In the grand scheme of things, it probably really doesn’t matter, but I think it’s a nice tribute to do what your deceased family member wanted.

    I’ve been thinking about what I want after I die ever since reading Mary Roach’s great book Stiff. I’ve came to the conclusion that I don’t really care. In a perfect world I would like to just be dumped in the woods so my body can be eaten by critters and the molecules that make up my body would return to the universe where they came from. I’m sure there are laws against that though. I guess I prefer cremation over embalming just for the simple fact that I would take up less space, but I don’t really have a preference. I’m going to leave it to my family to decide that. I’m not religious, so I really don’t care about a funeral. The way I see it, the funeral is for the family, and they can do whatever they want. As of right now, the only wish I really have is that I don’t want any religious symbols or words on my headstone, since that’s going to be around a lot longer than I ever was.

  • Motion City Jackpot

    It took eleven tries, but I finally got one of these last night!

    I also got one of these!

    And then another one of these!

    Yeah, it was pretty much a Motion City Soundtrack jackpot last night. We hung around afterwards and talked with Josh for a little bit. Great band and great guys. I can’t wait to see them again.

  • Watch a full Motion City Soundtrack concert

    So I may have mentioned my favorite band, Motion City Soundtrack on here a few times. Well today I am off to Sioux Falls to see them for my 11th time. It’s by far the most I’ve ever seen a band. I’ve seen them about once a year since 2003, and they never get old. This will be my first time seeing them without drummer Tony Thaxton. It’s pretty bad that I have noticed the wear on Matthew Taylor’s bass increase over the years. I usually end up on his side of the stage.

    The above video should be a full concert performance from February 28th, 2013 in Sydney, Australia. You can see the greatness that is Motion City Soundtrack. If for some reason the video doesn’t work, you can watch it here.

  • Spot the Station

    Last night I saw the International Space Station for the first time. You can sign up to get email or text alerts when the ISS is going to be passing overhead you here. I signed up a while back, but haven’t had a chance to try to see it until last night. It was pretty cool and came right on time, right at 9:37 PM, and it took about three minutes to cross the sky. I was surprised how bright it was. You can’t really miss it if you are looking in the right direction at the right time.

  • My final thoughts on Boston

    I don’t even know what to say about the horrific events that happened this week. I’m thankful that the great men and women of the Boston police department were able to put an end to it so quickly. I was a little disturbed by how blood-thirsty so many people were. So many people on Twitter and Facebook wanted the cops to go in with guns blazing. I understand they want revenge, but I don’t think it’s ever right to kill someone. If he was an immediate threat—yeah—you would have to take him out then, but otherwise killing him should be the last resort. It was nice to see that the Boston police department did the right thing. Maybe we can get some questions answered now.

    To the people who think this guy doesn’t deserves a trial. Fuck you! This is the United States of America, and EVERY US citizen has rights, even this scumbag. Our justice system may not be the best, but for the most part it works well, and this scumbag will get what he deserves.

    To the people who think he did this because he was Muslim, or an immigrant, or…well I guess you can’t blame skin color on this one. Fuck you too! These senseless acts have been performed by almost all groups. Muslim, Christian, white, black, Asian, they’re all guilty. The only population group that probably has clean hands is women. So please don’t judge others by cowardly acts performed by a few.

    There…I feel much better getting that of my chest.