• Back Listening to the Daily Source Code

    Ok, I had second thoughts about unsubscribing from the Daily Source Code. While I disagree on a lot of things Adam says, I still think it’s important to hear both sides of topics. It’s not good to only listen to people you agree with. I am not going to go as far as to listen to idiots like Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, or Rush Limbaugh, but Adam Curry I can easily handle.

    I started listening to his show near the beginning of podcasting back in October of 2004, I haven’t missed an episode since. I shouldn’t let one issue change that.

    Adam just hit a sore spot playing that Jenny McCarthy clip. Most of the time I couldn’t care less what crazy stuff you believe in. There are a few sad stories of people that die because they choose some “Alternative” form of medicine instead of some real medicine that actually works. Those stories are sad, but it was that persons choice. When it’s your child, you are messing with someone else’s life.

    Childhood vaccines are very important. Like always there is some risk, but it’s very little, and there is no chance at getting Autism. Vaccines have been proven time and time not to cause Autism. Adam for the most part is against Gardasil. I personally don’t know much about that one, so I am not sure where I stand on that one. I am not big of putting drugs in my body unless then are needed. I don’t get a flu shot. I am healthy enough that the flu isn’t going to kill me, but childhood vaccines fall into that needed category for me.

    One thing that helped changed my mind was that Adam Curry actually spent the time to leave a comment on my blog. My little blog that almost nobody reads, and he took a few seconds out of his life to read and comment. That meant something to me. I will continue to listen to his show, but I will probably still fast forward the music. Just not my type of music for the most part Adam.

  • No More Daily Source Code For Me

    I have been listening to Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code since October 2004. Back then when podcasting was new and fresh, his show was pretty good. It was a good place to lean about new podcasts and new things going on in the space.

    Ever since he started Podshow the show has gone downhill. The only reason I kept on listening was because half the show was some crap music that I could fast forward through, so it wasn’t wasting much of my time.

    Now, his shows are getting longer and longer, and all he ever talks about are his crazy conspiracy theories. People that believe in crazy conspiracies drive me crazy. He is convinced that since we still have winter, global warming doesn’t exist. He thing our government blew up the World Trade Center. He is also a crazy antivaxxer.

    The last episode I listened to was episode 812, I unsubscribed after that. I can’t take his crap anymore. He played a clip of Jenny McCarthy spewing nonsense about how Vaccinations cause Autism. He believed all the crap she said. I will not support anybody that is against vaccines.

    Vaccines have been proven time and time again not to cause autism. Antivaxxers like Jenny McCarthy are causing a great deal of harm by spreading misinformation and encouraging parents not to have their kids vaccinated, which is increasing the spread of Measles.

    It’s often hard to find non-biased information on the Internet. Stopjenny.com is a good place to find information about the truths about vaccines and how wrong jenny McCarthy is. Antivaxxers probably think the site is nonsense, but who would you rather believe, doctors & scientists, or a Playboy Model?