• No Profiles on Netflix?

    I have been a Netflix user for years. I probably only watch one movie a week, so they are making money off of me. It doesn’t really bother me that I am not getting full use out of my Netflix account. The main reason I like it is that I never forget what movies I want to watch. When I hear about something that sounds good I just add it to my queue and I get to it when I get to it. I am years behind, but I don’t really care.

    We have the “two at a time” plan. It works well for us because of multiple profiles. I have my queue and my wife has hers. We each can watch the movies we want on the schedule we want.

    Now, for some stupid reason Netflix is getting rid of their multiple profiles option on September 1st. That’s going to make me look at other options. I have never looked at Blockbusters online rental options because I was very happy with Netflix. Coming September that might change.