• Response to Cali Lewis on Global Warming

    Over the weekend Cali Lewis made a comment about global warming on Twitter. She really stirred up a frenzy of comments. Half for her had half against. I didn’t feel like adding to the chaos, so am just blogging about it. I felt a little sorry for her, but she kind of deserved it. Science doesn’t prove global warming doesn’t exist, just like it doesn’t prove that it does. Science doesn’t prove anything. Science just provides the data and facts. Scientist will be the first to tell you they don’t know everything. They are always finding new and cool things. That’s what’s so great about science. Also, calling global warming a hoax is a little extreme.

    Science shows that global warming does exist, and humans may have some blame to it. The real question is how much are humans affecting it, and how much we can really do about it. I don’t think anybody really knows the answers to those questions.

    Cali did reply with a blog post that explains herself a little more. She changed he wording to being more skeptical of global warming. That is a big difference. It’s good to be skeptical. Being skeptical means you are looking at the data and coming to your own conclusion and are willing to change your mind if the data changes. I can handle someone being skeptical of man-made global warming. Calling it a hoax, no way.

    I think Al Gore did more harm than good bringing global warming more to everybody’s attention with is book and movie. Just by who Al Gore is, half the population isn’t going to believe anything he says. Al Gore is a also little extreme. He is all doom and gloom. In reality it’s not that bad, yet.

    I know a little bit about water treatment and I relate our air pollution to water pollution. Years ago, when our populations were smaller, we just dumped our raw sewage into rivers. It was no problem then. Nature took care of it. As populations got bigger and bigger, nature couldn’t keep up and sewage treatment plants were required. The still pretty much just use nature to treat the sewage, they are just helping it out. As the worlds population grows we will have a similar problem with air pollution and global warming.

    I love Cali Lewis and was worried by her tweet. I know I disagree with her on politics, I was hoping I didn’t disagree with her on this. Her blog post cleared things up for me. I still disagree with her, but not as much. I can see where she is coming from.

    In the end everybody really wants the same thing. Clean air, blue skis, and green grass (or in our case white snow). Trying to be more green can never be a bad thing.