• Tweet From Your Dashboard

    It’s been months since I have actually “used” twitter. I take that back, I read my tweets on my phone through Twitter, but that is all. I use Ping.fm to do my posting to Twitter, and use FriendFeed to read all my Tweets on my computer.

    For the longest time I have been using a Ping.fm gadget on my Google homepage to do my posting. I always have a browser open, and my homepage is just a few click away.

    Well, yesterday I was getting sick of those “few clicks”, and made it even easier to post to Twitter.

    This trick can only me done on a Mac. I am using the Web Clip feature of Safari. It’s simple, just click on the Web Clip button and select the portion of the Ping.fm site that you need to make your posts, click add, and bingo, you have a Dashboard Widget for Tweeting, or posting to whatever social network you want to post to.

    I seldom use the Dashboard in OS X, and always forget about the Web Clip feature. Now all I have to do to tweet is hit F7 and start typing away.

  • Moved from Twitter to FriendFeed

    Some social networks I get, others I don’t. I never could understand MySpace or Facebook. Twitter on the other hand, I fell in love with it right away, and it sucks when it, or some of it’s features goes down. FriendFeed was a service that I understood, but it always seemed to cluttery and noisy for me. This past weekend I just got fed up with all of Twitters problems and I decided to take the plunge to FriendFeed full time. I am really starting to like FriendFeed, and the cool thing is that it actually works.

    A few weeks ago Dave Slusher blogged about his process of moving from Twitter to FriendFeed. I pretty much followed his plan. I used Kreg Steppe’s PHP script to help find my Twitter friends on FriendFeed, and then I just made imaginary friends for my Twitter friends that weren’t on FriendFeed. Then I signed up for a TwitterFeed account, and am using it to send my FriendFeed updates back to twitter. It took a while to get all my friends over, but I am really loving FriendFeed now.

  • New Theme

    So you can see I have a new blog theme. I haven’t used FriendFeed much yet, but I thought I would add the FriendFeed widget to show all the stuff I am up to. In creating my links I thought it was crazy all the online networks that I have signed up for. Most of them I try out and then never go back, but some I use all the time. One reason I sign up for things it is reserve my name. Mace always seems to get taken if I don’t hope on it. I also love playing with new stuff. I play with way more stuff than I could possible use, but I have fun with it. Now I gotta go play with BrightKite to see if I am going to ever use it.