• Outliers

    I am a big fan of Malcolm Gladwell. I really enjoyed Blink, and The Tipping point, and am currently listening to Outliers on audio book. Malcolm Gladwell is great at getting you to think. Outliers explains how successful people got to where there are. He explains that their success has more to do with their family, their generation, their upbringing, than their actual work. His theory is that if you can do something for 10,000 hours, you will be successful at it.

    Bill Gates grew up in a rich enough family that he went to a private school that actually had a computer club back when computers were fall from common. He spent all his free time programing computers. By the time computer use started to spread, he had is 10,000 hours in and was a computer genius. Most of his sucess is luck. He grew up in the right generation, had parents that were able to send him to private school, and had access to computers when most people didn’t.

    He also mentioned the Beatles. When they first started playing together the got a gig in Germany in which they played for eight hours a night, four to five days a week. They quickly learned how to play well together. They learned what worked and what didn’t. By the time their popularity increased they had their 10,000 hours in. Their success had more to do with the amount they played than anything else.

    I don’t know what it is, but I just love his stuff. Here is an old TED Talk he did back in 2004.