• Math is Hard, But Awesome

    I have always liked math. Even when it was way over my head, I liked it. The one area of math that intrigued me the most was probability. Probably because it was useful in everyday activities, and the brain has a hard time understanding probabilities. I have forgotten more math then I know now. I pretty much forgot how to calculate the probability of things. What got me thinking about this is the current audiobook I am listening to, The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives. Yeah, I am listening to a book about math.

    It’s really good. I just finished a chapter about probability. Did you know your chances at winning the lottery are about the same as getting killed driving to buy a ticket? I never heard of Pascal’s Triangle before, but now I am ready more about it. Today I just started a chapter about randomness, and how it’s pretty much impossible to have a truly random number. Math may be hard, but it’s awesome too.