• Moved from Twitter to FriendFeed

    Some social networks I get, others I don’t. I never could understand MySpace or Facebook. Twitter on the other hand, I fell in love with it right away, and it sucks when it, or some of it’s features goes down. FriendFeed was a service that I understood, but it always seemed to cluttery and noisy for me. This past weekend I just got fed up with all of Twitters problems and I decided to take the plunge to FriendFeed full time. I am really starting to like FriendFeed, and the cool thing is that it actually works.

    A few weeks ago Dave Slusher blogged about his process of moving from Twitter to FriendFeed. I pretty much followed his plan. I used Kreg Steppe’s PHP script to help find my Twitter friends on FriendFeed, and then I just made imaginary friends for my Twitter friends that weren’t on FriendFeed. Then I signed up for a TwitterFeed account, and am using it to send my FriendFeed updates back to twitter. It took a while to get all my friends over, but I am really loving FriendFeed now.