• Pork & Beans with Tay Zonday and Brian Bell

    So Weezer’s new album came out today. I picked it up at Best Buy for $18, kinda expensive, but hey, it’s Weezer. I haven’t had much time to listen to it yet, but here is a cool version of “Pork and Beans” sung by Tay Zonday of the “Chocolate Rain” fame.

  • Pork and Beans

    Weezer is one of my all time favorite bands. They just released the video for Pork and Beans. It’s teh awesome!!! It is full of internet memes. I wish I could embed it here, but sadly they have disabled embeds. I don’t know why though. This video is going to be hugh on the net. You can check it out here.

    It looks like the video is getting really popular already. It has over 200,000 views. I was viewer number 204. They are also allowing embeds now, so here it is.