• XBox Withdrawal

    I don’t really believe in superstitions. I have some, but I don’t really believe in them. Nothing bad has ever happened to me on Friday the 13th, but I am always leery about them. Well, this past Friday the 13th was a bad one. Our XBox 360 suffered the dreaded “Red Ring of Death”.

    Someone on Twitter suggested that I try the wrapping it in towels so it overheats trick. Supposedly overheating it melts some solder points and then fixes them. I was pretty skeptical about that, but I thought I would give it a try.

    I was right, it didn’t work, so we will be sending it back to Microsoft to get fixed, so we will be XBoxless for four to five weeks. It’s not going to bother me that much. I don’t play it all that often, but the wife is going nuts already.