Things 3 is My Favorite To-Do Manager

I’ve tried every to-do manager out there until three years ago when I tried Things. Things works perfect for me, and I haven’t had to look elsewhere for to-do management. I now live in things. Everything I need to do gets out of my head and into Things. From there it gets scheduled and done. I don’t have to be be constantly thinking of what needs to be done. Everything gets out of my head, but never forgotten about. Everybody works differently, and not all to-do managers work for everybody. It’s glorious when you find one that works though.

Things 3 was recently released. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to upgrade or not. Things 2 was working so well for me. Well, today I but the bullet and bought Things 3 since it’s on sale until May 26th. I’m so glad I did. The new version is much nicer looking. It also now can see your calendar events, and you can add items with Siri. The one downside of Things is the price, but it’s so worth it if it’s the type of to-do manager you need.

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