Brother-in-law Rant

So my Brother-in-law is still living with us. I am pretty sick of him living here. The wife told him he has to move out by August 1st. We will see what happens. My guess is he will quit his job and not be able to move out because he has no money. He actually got a full time job about a week ago. It’s a little nicer around here with him gone all day, and now he goes to bed at night instead of making a bunch of noise and keeping everybody up watching movies and playing XBox.

One thing I have really noticed with him living here is I have really bad OCD. I can’t stand it when things aren’t put away when done with. He leaves dishes all over, never puts XBox game and gamepads away, and the phones… they are never put back on the charger, or even kept on the same level of the house. It drives me crazy! We have a phone in the kitchen, a phone upstairs, and a phone downstairs for a reason. Half the time he leave all three of them sitting on the same end table. How hard is it to put the phone away when you are done. he also talks on the phone all the time. He pretty must uses up all are Vonage minutes every month. It’s a good thing that it’s only 4 cents a minute to go over, so he hasn’t racked up much of a bill.

We told him he could live here for a while as long as he did a few things, paid us rent, and keep his bathroom clean. Well, he hasn’t paid us rent since January, and he has never cleaned his bathroom. The wife has cleaned it a few time, but I refuse to clean it. It is pretty nasty.

Another thing that bugs me is his smoking. He doesn’t smoke in the house, which is a good thing, but his room still reeks of smoke just by having his clothes it, and our yard is full of cigarette butts. The wife told him to clean them up last week, but talking to him is like talking to a wall. I am sure I will end up cleaning them up one of these days.

The thing that drives me crazy the most is his bill paying. He pretty much has one bill. His truck payment. That bill comes directly out of his parents bank account, so he has to send a check to his parents every month. So every month he hands a bunch of cash to my wife and tells her to write a check and mail it and it has to get there today. WTF? He has a checking account. I don’t know why he can’t write a check and mail it a few days before it’s due. One of my biggest pet peeves has to be people being irresponsible.

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