He is Out (Hopefully)

So we game my Brother-in-law a three month noticed that we wanted him to move out. In that three months his didn’t look for a place at all. We were nice and gave him one more month, and he still hasn’t starting looking, and now that college is starting, all the cheap apartments are gone. When he got his current job he said it paid pretty good, so he quit his other part time job. This week we found out that his pretty good is only $8.50. I don’t know how a person could live on $8.50. I think him telling us was his way to try and buy more time here. A couple months ago he got a speeding ticket, so now his parents are making him pay his own insurance, he also got his second minor a couple months ago, so he has that fine to pay off, plus he has been putting off his student loans as long as possible and has to start paying on those. Basically after all his bills he would be left with $300 for rent and spending money. Not really enough to live off of. We kinda felt bad kicking him out, but he has known about it for months.

Today the Wife talked to her Aunt, and she agree to have him move in with her until January when a few of his bills will be paid off, and hopefully he finds a better job.

He should listen and follow his Aunts rules better than his sisters. I am sure she will charge something for rent and food. She wont put up with the phone ringing all hours of the night. I don’t think she will put up with his coming home at three in the morning and waking the whole house up. They have four dogs, they will wake the whole house up.

These are all things that my Wife has gotten on his case about, but he just ignores her.

My fingers are still crossed. I will believe it when it happens, but it is sure looking like it’s going to happen soon.

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  • Chickie

    It's hard to show tough love. When my sister was going through her wild phase I told her that my niece could live with me but she had to stay in a homeless shelter. She got her act together pretty quickly after that.

  • Chickie

    It's hard to show tough love. When my sister was going through her wild phase I told her that my niece could live with me but she had to stay in a homeless shelter. She got her act together pretty quickly after that.

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