Can’t We All Get Along?

The past weekend I worked, and like usual we listened to talk radio at work. I would rather listen to talk radio than music actually. The downside is that most talk radio is right-wing conservative talk, but some of them aren’t too bad, but a lot of them get under my skin. Why do so many of them have to spread fear and lies? The Glenn Beck’s of the world aren’t doing our country any good. Why not use your voice to educate your audience? I guess it’s more about ratings though. Tell people what they want to hear and they will listen.

Everybody tends to believe what they want to think is true. If you are a conservative, you are going to believe all the bad things you hear about Obama; if you are a liberal, you believed all the bad things about Bush. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle. I think everybody needs to listen to what BOTH sides have to say. That is one reason why I listen to right-wing conservative talk radio.

The thing is right now the conservatives seem to be spreading lies about how bad government health care would be, how government can’t do anything right, how Obama wants to kill your grandparents. Instead of spreading lies, why not come up with some solutions? Maybe they don’t think there is anything wrong with our healthcare, but I don’t think it’s right that big insurance companies are making billions off us by denying coverage. Conservatives always say the don’t want to pay for someone else’s healthcare, but they already are. One reason why prices are so high is to cover the people that don’t have insurance and end up in the emergency room. So everybody right now is paying for the people without insurance.

How ridiculous is it that the conservatives are so against the President talking to our students? What is so wrong about that? It’s not like he is going to be spreading any kind of agenda or anything. What would the point of that be? The students aren’t voters yet, and frankly, they probably don’t understand too many of the issues either. One little twenty minute speech isn’t going to turn your 3rd grader into a flaming liberal. I think it should be something every President does on the day after Labor Day. Having the current President talk and encourage the school kids to work hard would be a great way to start every school year.

The main thing is that Obama is our President right now, like it or not. You many not have voted for him, you might not agree with his politics, but he is OUR President, and deserves the respect. The same thing held true for Bush, and any future President. I wasn’t a fan of Bush’s politics, but I knew he was doing what he thought was best for our country. That’s exactly what Obama is doing now.

If this post is too liberal for you. Ben over at put together a great video about his thoughts. He is a conservative and makes some very good points. Critical criticism is great, but both sides need to quit it with the name calling and spreading of lies. We are the United States of America, and need to start acting like it.

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