Burning any book is wrong

Is everybody else as sick of hearing about the Qur’an burning as me?

Why is this news?

So some nut thinks 0.00000000001% of the Muslim population represents them all.  With that kind of thinking, you might as well say, “Since all Christians want to blow up federal buildings, lets burn some Bibles on April 20th”.  It’s just plain stupid.

Since nowadays we have many 24 hour news channels, and most of the time nothing is really going on, they need some kind of ratings boosting story.  So nuts like Terry Jones, the Balloon Boy, and many others make headlines, and have a platform.

Personally I find burning any kind of book offensive.  I bet the majority of Christians are against burning Qur-ans too.  It’s just another example of extremists making a bad name for the rest of them.  I was raised Christian and was taught to love everybody, even people that don’t agree with you.  Burning other people’s book of worship doesn’t sound like a Christian thing to do to me.

Some people think burning the Qur’an’s will make more enemies for the US in the Middle East.  I don’t really agree with that.  It would probably piss off our enemies, but the majority of Muslims over there I am sure would understand that this is just being done by a bunch of wackaloons, and is in no way representative of the majority of Americans.

I really wish the news media would just ignore the crazies, but crazies drive ratings, ratings sells ads, and ads make money.  And really, that’s what it’s all about.  Who cares about informing the public about what’s really going on, when there is money to be made in making up their own news.

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