I hate being sick
Being sick sucks. I seldom get sick. I think I have taken three sick days since I started working in 1990. Friday was the third. My secret is being a hermit and not getting out of the house much, along with getting a flu shot.
Today was a lazy day sitting on the couch watching some awesome football games. I am achy and constantly going from too cold to too hot. Also my sleeve works as a pretty good Kleenex when I don’t feel like getting up. My nose doesn’t agree though. I look like Rudolph.
I want to blog about the terrible shooting in Arizona, but my head is too fuzzy to get political. Truly it shouldn’t get political. It was fucking murder. Nothing political about that, and the only one to blame is the scumbag shooter. Sure Palin had an unfortunate website that was in poor taste, but that’s nothing to to her. Maybe this will teach her something, but I kinda doubt it. Maybe the crazy guy saw her site, but I doubt it. I watched his YouTube videos, and he really isn’t all there. Who knows what is motive was, or if we will ever find out, but still Palin shouldn’t in know way be blamed for what happened.
It drives me crazy when people use horrible events to push their agenda. Some say he is obviously a crazy Teabagger, while others say he is a left-wing Atheist. It doesn’t matter what political side he is on, or even if he is on a side. He is a crazy murderer that will be spending he rest of his life locked up.
Ok, that is way more than I wanted to talk about the murder, but it does make me feel better to get everything off my chest, even if nobody reads this. Now time to get a Kleenex.