• EMI To Sell DRM Free Music

    If I would have heard this yesterday there is no way I would have believed it. it looks like EMI is going to be the first major record label to release their stuff DRM free. That’s awesome. That means I might actually be able to buy stuff on iTunes (I refuse to buy anything with DRM in it). I don’t listen to many major label bands, and I am not sure how many bands EMI has that I like, but hopefully the rest of the labels wake up and realize that DRM is hurting sales.

  • The Post About Nothing

    I hate blog posts that basically say that someone has nothing to blog about, but that’s what this one is. My blog has been kinda slow, but it’s not because I have been busy. Actually I am far from busy. I am totally caught up on all my stuff for the first time in a long time. Google Reader is empty, Tivo is empty, podcasts are all listened to. I haven’t been busy outside either. Even though all our snow is gone, it’s been raining for three straight days. Maybe Twitter is taking away some of my blogging mojo? I don’t know. So….what was this blog post about again? Oh yeah, NOTHING! I am still here, doing the same old boring stuff.

  • Internet Video on the TV

    So I tried streaming Orb to the Xbox 360. It works, but it crashed a lot. Streaming video sucks. It has always sucked. You either get a ton of buffering or you get crap video like YouTube. I think I am going to look into building a PC just for watching videos on the TV. I don’t want a full blown media center PC because they don’t work perfect with DirecTV. My DirecTV Tivo works perfect for TV. I want something similar to the AppleTV, but I want it to support all video file formats. I don’t want to do any streaming. I just want to drop my video files onto it to watch them in the living room.

  • Stream Orb to Xbox 360

    I am always looking for ways to get my internet video content onto my TV. Once I get a new TV I am thinking about either building a Mythbox or Media Center PC. I could also go with a Tivo and an Apple TV. I am not sure which would work best. I am very curious on how Cali Lewis’ Mythbox turns out. I am glad I don’t have to make the decision now. I wont be getting a new TV until we move and get into a bigger house.

    For the time being I am using the Xbox 360 to view my internet videos on the TV. Yesterday I learned that you can stream content from Orb to the Xbox 360. I have used Orb in the past to access my media from any computer on the internet, but now I can use it to play any video on my Xbox. No more have to convert videos to WMV files.

  • Hellogoodbye

    Check it out. Hellogoodbye is coming to Fargo. Most people know them from being in The Real World Austin, but I knew them before that. They released an awesome EP in 2004. That EP generated a lot of hype for their debut album which finally came out last year. They have a really unique sound. I couldn’t tell you who they sound like because they don’t sound like anybody. Boyslikegirls are opening for them. I saw Boyslikegirls in St. Paul last summer. They are another really cool band. Also either The Hush Sound or The Rocket Summer will be there. I have seen The Hush Sound and they are good too. I am kinda hoping The Rocket Summer comes to Fargo since I really like him and have never seen him yet. It’s so nice when good concerts come to Fargo. A five minute drive is much better than a four hour one. Plus, the crowds in Fargo are usually pretty lame so it’s easy to get right up front without getting kicked in the head too much. That’s always a plus.

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  • Twitter Slowdown

    If my blog seems to be loading slow it’s not my fault.  Well, I guess it’s not toatally my fault.  Since I am hooked on Twitter, I have my Twitter status in the sidebar.  At times Twitter gets really slow.  I think they are growing faster than they planned.  When Twitter gets slow my sidebar loads slow.   You can check me out on Twitter here.

  • Skeptoid

    I was all caught up on my podcasts yesterday. It felt strange. I am never caught up. I needed something to listen to at work, so I looked around on iTunes and found Skeptoid. I love podcasts that make you think and learn stuff. I am a very skeptical person. I always want to hear both sides on topics before I decide what I think is true. Skeptoid is a nice short 5 to 8 minute podcast. I downloaded and listened to every episode yesterday. They have many interesting topics. I really enjoyed the episodes about organic foods, SUVs, and cell phones on planes. Good Stuff.

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  • All Green

    Sweet, my Gamer Card is in the holiday spirt. It’s all decked out for St. Patrick’s day. I really need to find more time to play on the Xbox 360. My Gamerscore is pathetic.

  • Three Way Tie

    I am a huge Jeopardy fan. I have probably only missed one or two episodes in the last few years. I have seen almost everything. I have seen only one person playing in Final Jeopardy, I have seen many two person ties, I have seen idiots that don’t bet enough in Final Jeopardy and lose their lead despite getting the question right. The only thing I haven’t seen was a three way tie. I guess the reason I have never seen it was because it had never happened, until last night that is. Last night was the first ever three way tie. The reigning champion could have easily bet another dollar to be the only champ, but I think he saw that the other two players each had $8000, so he bet enough to get him to $16000. He was nice and gave them a chance and they both bet it all and it ended up in a three way tie. It was pretty cool.

    Now I think the only thing I haven’t seen is all three players in the red for Final Jeopardy. That would be cool to see also.