• Tetris

    So this weekend we rented Tetris Evolution. I have never been a big Tetris fan, but I really liked this version. I think I like it mostly because you are not playing for nothing, you are playing for gamer points. I played a few games and got 50 gammer points. I tried to get more, but sadly we had to return the game. I thing I am going to buy it. It’s only $27 new, so I am sure I will find a good deal on eBay.

  • Today’s 5ive

    Spectacular Desktop Wallpapers – I can never find any good desktop wallpapers. This site has some really cool ones.

    Amazing Cakes – These cakes look to incredible to eat.

    iPod Hammock – This thing looks cool. You could use it for any electronic device that needs charging and use any weirdly placed outlet.

    Peinis Owner’s Manual – Funny, but informational.

    mypetpeeves.com – A site that tracks people’s pet peeves. I think I have all of them.

  • Monday Already?

    Wow this weekend went fast. It was kind of wet and rainy all weekend, so I spent most of the weekend online. I discovered even a bigger time waster that Twitter, Ustream. Chris Pirillo has Ustream camera set up 24/7. I watched him a few time. Over the weekend he was broadcasting Leo’s radio show. It was cool to watch leo work. After the radio show I watched him get set up to record TWiT. Cool stuff.

    Last night I got Ustream working with my iSight camera. I am not sure what I am going to do with Ustream, but it makes it simple to put a webcam on a website.

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  • Movies On Netflix

    I watched a movie on Netflix yesterday. I wanted to test it out when the first launched the service, but of course my account didn’t have the option right away. It worked and looked good. It had to pause and buffer a few times, but it wasn’t too bad. I watched Word Wars. It was a pretty good documentary about a few champion scrabble players. I don’t play scrabble, but watching those guys play was incredible. I am a sucker for a good Documentary. That’s probably all I would ever watch streaming from Netflix. For a real movie, I would much better watch it in the living room, on the bigger screen, with surround sound. I would see myself using it a lot more If I traveled a lot and got stuck in hotels every night.

  • Today’s 5ive

    Mario Frustration – It’s long, but it’s funny as hell. Some guy added commentary over the top of someone playing a super hard level of Super Mario.

    You Oughta Know – You gotta love Jonathan Coulton. This is is cover of the Alanis Morissette song. Here is the blog link of him explaining why he did it.

    Top 10 Bird Moments in Sports – Number 1 is funny as hell.

    Lookout Store – I loved Lookout Records in the past. I don’t listen to their bands as much as I use too, but now you can by songs DRM free. Maybe it’s time to complete my Mr. T Experience discography.

    Thunderbird Goes 2.0 – My favorite windows email app Thunderbird 2.0 was just released. Good Stuff.

  • School Shooting Craziness

    These school shootings are getting out of hand, but I am getting sick of everybody trying to blame something else as the cause. Violent movies, video games, Marilyn Manson have all been blamed for these shootings. Am I the only one that can think like the shooter? Why can’t people put themselves in the shooters shoes. Growing up as a kid is hard these days. When kids are in school the smallest things seem huge. As a kid there were many times that I felt suicidal and wanted to end it all. I wasn’t a loner and I didn’t suffer from depression, but I had those thoughts. I imagine that if I was a loner and suffered from depression my thoughts would be stronger. So if I was going to kill myself, why not go big and make it the thing everybody will talk about for months? Why not try to create the largest school massacre? Hell, it doesn’t even have to be the largest and they will still call it the largest. The largest school massacre was the Bath School disaster back on May 18, 1927. Weird, they didn’t have violent movies, video games, or Marilyn Manson back then? Do I know a solution to this? No. We live in a violent society and violent things will happen. Just look and the news every night. I do know that blaming movies, video games, and Marilyn Manson isn’t a solution. Sure all these killings are bad, but you have to take everything into perspective. The flu kills more people in a year than terrorism and school killing combined.