Best. Worst. Video. Ever!!1!
via BoingboingI never thought there would be a time when I WISHED Auto-Tune was used. And no, I didn’t make it through the entire video. Props if you can.
5 Historical Misconceptions
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Motion City Soundtrack released True Romance
via youtube.comMy favorite band, Motion City Soundtrack, released their new single “True Romance” today. Go buy it where you normally buy your digitally encoded musical files. It’s awesome if I do say so myself.
Their new album titled Go, comes out June 12th! I can’t wait. Hopefully I can catch them on tour for my 7th or 8th, I lost count, time this summer. Best. Band. Ever.
What Minnesota is really like
An inspiring video about space exploration
via Friendly AtheistI finally got around to watching this amazing video. It has always amazed me by much the early astronomers were able to learn with so little technology.
I’m all for the “pink Slime”
If you’ve been anywhere on the internet lately you probably have heard people in an uproar about “pink slime”, and it being added to our foods. You have more than likely seen this picture.
I have seen this picture many times. Sometimes they call it beef, other times it chicken, but I doubt it’s either. I’ve done a little research, and couldn’t find the source of this picture. Just the fact that they are putting it in an unlined box make me think that it’s not even a food product. I also doubt beef or chicken would hold together in that shape.
The “pink slime” is otherwise known as mechanically separated meat, and I’m probably one of the few people that don’t have a problem with it. I’m all for using every part of the animal that you can. Sure the parts of the animal that they put through the machines don’t sound too appetizing —trimmings, tallow, connective tissue, intestinal linings — but I’m willing to bet the rest of the butchering process isn’t too appetizing either.
People also think it’s bad that it’s treated with ammonia. I don’t know why people think having bacteria in there meat is better than small amounts of ammonia. It’s not like the stuff is soaking in ammonia. I’m sure they use as little as needed to remove the bacteria, any more would be a waste of money. I work at a water treatment plant. We add ammonia to the public water system. It combines with the chlorine and helps prevent disinfection byproducts that could be harmful. It’s all about the dosage amount. Just because ammonia is used in the process doesn’t make it bad for you at all. In fact it makes the meat safer for you.
What do people think hamburger is anyway? Ground up filet mignon? I’ve always assumed hamburger was ground up parts of the cow that aren’t good enough for steaks. A small percentage of mechanically separated meat wouldn’t bother me at all.
Boingboing writer Maggie Koerth-Baker has a nice article on Boingboing, and I agree with her 100%. Over there they have this picture:
This is what the beef “pink slime” really looks like. Not like that first picture that everybody feared to believe.
Here is a video of chicken mechanically separating machine:
While none of this is that appetizing, it is in no way bad for you. Why not use a little of this stuff in hamburgers, hotdogs, or chicken nuggets? If an animal has to die for use to eat, I’m all for using as much of that animal a possible.
Flashback Friday: NOFX – “Bob”
I will end my year of Flashback Fridays with NOFX. They are one of my all time favorite bands. They have sold over 6 million records without a major record label, and with very little video or air play. In fact “Bob” was the only video that I know of that they made in the 90s, and they were together the whole 90s. They formed in the late 80s and released 5 albums in the 90s.I’ve had fun sharing some of my favorite 90s music with you all. My plan was to do it for a year, and that is what I did. I hope I didn’t bore you too bad.
The urinal game
via Reddit -
Political Compass
via PoliticalCompassI guess I am closest to Obama? It makes me wonder why the current presidential candidates disagree so much. Could they just be making shit up? No, that can’t be.
Adam Savage at the Reason Rally
via Friendly AtheistAdam Savage had a beautiful speech this past Saturday at the Reason Rally. I agree with him 1000%.