• American Idiot Musical

    American IdiotSo when we were in the cities we went the the American Idiot musical. I thought it was amazing and a must see for any Green Day fan, but I see how it could get mixed reviews. If you’re offended by loud rock music, F bombs, or guys and girls in their underwear, it’s probably not for you. If you’re a Green Day fan you will love it. I found it amazing how they could tell the story with very few lines. It was mostly the American Idiot album start to finish, but not hard at all to follow the story. I never really took the time to closely listen to and understand the album, so now the album has a totally different meaning to me.

  • A week of hospitals

    Well I arrived home last night, and it looks like winter finally showed up. I can no longer see grass in my yard. I can’t complain much. It’s been a great winter.

    So where was I? I spend most of last weekend, and last week in hospitals. Early last week I was in Sioux Fall for my dads stem cell transplant. He has cancer, multiple myeloma to be exact. We actually got to sit in the room during the transplant. It was a pretty simple procedure. He was pretty drugged up, so he doesn’t remember any of it, but we just watched them drain six bags of cells into him, and that was it. Now it’s just a waiting game to see how successful the procedure was. He is pretty sick now, but he will gradually get better and after 100 days we will know if he is cancer free. Chances are it will come back. When they harvested his cells for the transplant, they took enough for two, so down the road he may have to go through this again.

    After a few days in Sioux Falls, we drove to Minneapolis. My mother-in-law was still in the hospital after her heart transplant. She had a little bit of a bleeding problem caused by the blood thinners they gave her because they were worried about a few clots that they saw. She had to have two more surgeries because of this bleeding, and it was a little hairy for a few days, but she is doing good now.

    I’m glad to be home. A week of hospitals, and hospital food was more than enough for me. The Wife is still down there, and plans on staying a couple more weeks.

  • Tinkr Tumblr

    I don’t remember if I ever mentioned that I started up my Tumblr again. If I didn’t mention it, well I did. If I did mention it, I guess I am going it again. It’s usually updated more than my blog, except for this week though since I am out of town.

  • Eleven Twelve

    I can’t be the only one that still sings this song when I count, right?

    Talk about a catchy song. It’s probably been over thirty years since I have seen this bit on Sesame Street, and I still sing it in my head as I count.

  • Timelapse video of the Keck Observatory

    This is a cool timelapse video of people working at the Keck Observatory. I saw the Keck Observatory on the top of Mauna Kea two years ago when I was in Hawaii. It would have been really cool to see the insides, but I am sure they were busy doing sciencey stuff. We just watched the sun go down, and then went to a lower, warmer elevation and did some observing through a telescope. It was a pretty awesome time for a space nerd like myself. It’s hard to believe that 125 people work full-time at the Keck Observatory. Talk about an awesome job.

    Here are a few of my pictures. It was pretty cool seeing the Sun set above the clouds.
    Keck Observatory
    Keck Observatory
    Keck Observatory

  • Bacheloring it

    Three weeks ago when my Mother-in-Law had her heart transplant the Wife left to be with her. She took a leave of absence from her job and plans on staying with her Mom until she is able to be on her own. She is doing really well, and out of the hospital now. She just has to stay in a nearby apartment for a few more weeks before she can go home.

    So I’ve been bacheloring it!

    It’s still hard to get use to how quiet the house is. I did finally turn the TV on last night for the first time since the Super Bowl. I have a lot of Netflix that I’ve been meaning to watch for a long time now. I always seem to find other things to do rather that sit on the couch. I’m actually looking forward to doing it again tonight.

    As for housework, I do most of it anyway, but my underwear drawer is getting low. Laundry is the one chore that I never do. I don’t think I have done it since 1999. It’s on my list of things to do tomorrow. Wish me luck.