Ben Folds’ Nashville Flood Pictures
Here in Fargo we are no strangers to floods. It’s pretty much a yearly thing for us, but we always know it’s coming so we have time to build our dikes. Down in Nashville it was a different story.
Ben Folds lives in the Nashville area and has taken a few pictures and had them featured on nationalgeographic.com. From my experience these pictures come no where near showing how disastrous the flood really was. I’m sure the people of Nashville our coming together to rebuild the damage, just as we do in Fargo.
Ben Folds Covers Elliott Smith’s “Say Yes”
links for 2010-05-12
Garfunkel and Oats “Running with Chicken”
via funnyordie.comYou gotta love Garfunkel and Oats!
Alt-Med Quackery
I’m sure some of you have heard the story of that Indian man that says he has lived 70 years without eating or drinking anything. It’s pretty obvious to anybody with a third grade education that that’s complete bullshit; yet, people still believe. I have a friend on Facebook that totally believes it. He thinks we can get all our energy from the sun and don’t need to eat or drink. He even wants to attempt it.
More people need to learn how to think critically. If it sounds too crazy, chances are it’s not true.
Over the weekend I saw an infomercial by Kevin Trudeau pushing his book of “Alternative Medicine” nonsense. Pretty much all the “Alternative Medicine” crap is nonsense. It’s one of the things that drives me crazy, probably because my Mom and Brother believe it all, and are always sending me links to the nonsense.
Today my Brother sent me a link about some exercises you can do 10 minutes every other day, and lose all kinds of weight. I watched a few seconds of the video and the guy said you keep burning fat the rest of the day, and then next day from the exercises. Really? To me that sounds like nonsense, so I looked up the guy, and of course he was selling all the usual “Alternative Medicine” crap on his website.
For some reason people think that “Big Pharma” is out to get them; yet have no qualms about spending three time the money on some “Natural”, “Alternative”, unregulated crap that does nothing. The “Alternative Medicine” companies are actually the ones that are in it for the money, and they are really good advertising their goods. They always advertise no side effects –because there is no active ingredients — and they are cure-alls — since it doesn’t do anything, just list everything and if someone gets better from one than it worked. Taking alt-meds usually is harmless and just a waste of money, but recently another quack Gary Null almost killed himself taking his own supplements. And that’s another way to spot a quack. They all usually sell their own supplements, or books, or website subscription; because really, they are in it just for the money.
Living a healthy live is really simple; eat healthy, exercise, and get your sleep in. That’s it. There are no shortcuts, and no need for supplements, or drugs unless you have a medical condition diagnosed by a real doctor, and not a quack.
links for 2010-05-06
Mousetrap Never Works (OK Go “This Too Shall Pass” Parody)
via youtube.comI saw this parody of OK Go’s “This Too Shall Pass” yesterday on Net@Night and thought it was hilarious and very true.
links for 2010-05-05
links for 2010-05-04
links for 2010-05-03