• Four More Months to Procrastinate

    So now the digital TV transition date has been moved to June 12th. Why? I was really looking forward to February 17th and the end of hearing all about the the digital transition crap. Now all the procrastinators can just put it off for four more months. Sure, all the $40 coupons may be gone, and $50 might be a lot of money for some people, but it’s only TV. People can survive without it you know. If you can’t afford $50 for a converter box that you have had years to save up for, maybe you shouldn’t be watching TV.

    I have been using rabbit ears to pick up our locals in HD for a couple years now. For some stupid reason, our locals are on cable in HD but not DirecTV. For the most part they come in good, but there are some days when they don’t. I have heard that once the transition to only digital is complete, the signal might be stronger. If that’s the case then I am cool, if not I plan on investing in a better antenna. Now I will have to wait four more months to find out. I just don’t see the point in putting it off for four more months.

  • Celebrities on Twitter

    For the most part I couldn’t care less what celebrities do. I despise celebrity gossip shows. I do think it’s cool that celebrities are starting to use Twitter though. Just something about communicating with average people. Not that I put celebrities on a pedestal or anything, I just think it’s cool. I have been following a few for years, but it seems like every day a new celebrity hops on the Twitter bandwagon. Many celebrities are pretty lame on twitter and only tweet to advertise what ever project they are working on. Lately I started following Adam Savage (@donttrythis), Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk), Demi Moore (@mrskutcher), Jimmy Fallon (@jimmyfallon), and Soleil Moon Frye (@moonfrye). They are all good twitterers. You can find a list of celebrities on twitter at celebritytweet.com. Most of them are lame, but there are a few good ones in there.

  • Amanda Palmer

    So have known who Amanda Paler is for quite some time. I never thought to check out her solo album because I was never much of a fan the Dresden Dolls. Today I heard my first Amanda Palmer song and fell in love with it. I think I will be getting her solo album and looking in the Dresden Dolls a little more.

    Here is the video for the song I heard.

    Pretty awesome, but something tells me that if MTV played videos these days, they wouldn’t play this one.

    It’s been an Amanda Palmer day for me today. I found out she is on twitter @amandapalmer, and she wrote a lengthy blog post about her video.

  • Super Bowl

    So I was all ready to make some Super Bowl junk food, veg out, and watch the game. I woke up this morning feeling like crap. I wasn’t in the mood for any junk food. I still vegged out and watched the game though.

    I watched the game and during commercials I checked out what people were saying on Twitter. I don’t understand the people that actually want to watch the Commercials. The only commercials that I watched were the 3D ones, and honestly, I couldn’t tell you what they were for. I was just watching them for the 3D effects since we picked up some of the glasses the other day at the grocery store. I don’t know if 3D works for my brain. I could barley see the difference. I might check those commercials out again online.

    One thing that was driving me nuts on Twitter were all the people complaining about the Super Bowl. People saying they didn’t know it was today, or saying they never heard of the Super Bowl, or that it was a bad game. Come on, it was a great game. Those people were getting on my nerves. I totally understand that a lot of people hate football. Good for you. Don’t watch the game. You don’t hear me complaining how crappy American Idol is. I have never really noticed that kind of thing happening during other events on Twitter. Maybe it’s just because the Super Bowl is so big. Maybe I should start complaining during the next major event that I don’t care about on Twitter. Nah, not worth my time.

    So, it was a great game that came right down to the end. I didn’t really care who won. I just enjoyed the game.

    Now football season is done for another year. I am missing it already.

  • Super Bowl Sunday

    So tomorrow is the Super Bowl. For some it’s just another crappy football game, while others will watch it just for the commercials. Me, I love the game. I am a huge NFL fan. I watch every game possible. Super Bowl Sunday is a pretty big deal for me. I have only missed one Super Bowl since 1983, and I pretty much remember all of them. I was scheduled to work tomorrow, but took it off to watch the game.

    I have only been to one Super Bowl Party in my life, and it sucked. Everybody getting drunk, and making a bunch of noise. It was hard to watch the game. A lot of people just use the Super Bowl as an excuse to party. I still make the usual Super Bowl Party foods, but I like to enjoy the game by myself. For me the Super Bowl reminds me of my childhood.

    I remember getting all excited for the Super Bowl in elementary school. I was so excited when my favorite team, the Denver Broncos made it there in 1986, 1987, and 1989. I was crushed at the results of those games. It made their Super Bowl wins in 1997, and 1998 that much bigger.

    There is so much history in the Super Bowl. Many great games, many crappy games, but all historic. I love reading and watch shows about the history of the NFL. That’s one reason why I like the Super Bowl so much. It’s history being made.

    Even when I don’t care much about the teams that are playing, I enjoy watching the game. It’s every kids dream to play in the Super Bowl. Those big kids out there are just living their dream.

  • Say Goodbye Classic Coke

    cokeclassicRemember back in the ‘80s when “New Coke” came out? I was one of the many that didn’t really care for it. I was happy when “Classic Coke” came back. Remember back when you had a choice of Cokes? When you had to ask for a “Classic Coke”? Those times are long gone, but the cans still say “Classic” on them. Not for long though. Coke is now going to drop “Classic” from it’s label. Soon, nobody is every going to remember what “New Coke” was.

  • Solved My Rubik’s Cube

    So over the holidays my nephews got a hold of my Rubik’s Cube and messed it all up.


    I finally got around to solving it again today.

    I didn’t cheat. I did get a little help from YouTube though. Thanks Dan Brown!

    There is also a cool iPhone app to help you solve your Rubik’s Cube, but sadly it requires a camera, so it is limited to the iPhone and not compatible with the iPod Touch.

    I so wish I could play with that app.

  • My Favorite iPod Touch/iPhone Apps

    I have had my iPod Touch since November and haven’t talked much about it. I got the 32 GB version because I thought it would replace my current iPod. I would have gotten a bigger one if they made one. It would be nice to fit all my music one device. I hate weeding out stuff, but oh well.

    The truth is I don’t use my Touch as an iPod very often. The interface on my old iPod is just better. I can control it without removing it from my pocket. I didn’t think that would be a big deal, but it is. I pretty much only listen to my Touch when my other iPod battery is low. I still love my Touch though. I bring it everywhere just to see where I can get WiFi. WiFi is beginning to be everywhere. Most restaurants have it, the Mall has it, and I even found a gas station that has it. I will now drive out of the way just so I can get some internets while I am getting gas. I don’t have a ton of apps on it yet, but I thought I would share some of my favorites.

    Must haves – These ones are super popular that most people should know about and everybody should have.

    • Google Earth – Just ‘cus it’s cool.
    • Pandora – To discover new music.
    • Slacker – A lot like Pandora.
    • Iheartradio – To listen to radio stations all over.
    • Facebook – I find the app easier to use than the site.
    • Twitterriffic – There may be better Twitter apps, but this one just works.

    Weather – The Touch has a weather app build in, but I like these two for more detailed information.

    • The Weather Channel
    • AccuWeather

    Games – There are tons of games. Here are some of my favorites.

    • Topple – One of my first games I bought. I think it is free now.
    • Sudoku – Sometimes I get board enough to play Sudoku.
    • Labyrinth – Pretty fun game, and much easier than the wooden version.
    • Tap Tap Revenge – Fun game to rock out to, just wish it had more songs.
    • Adventure – One of my all time favorite games. If you didn’t play it on the 2600 you won’t understand.
    • Yahtzee – It’s, well, Yahtzee.
    • TapDefense – It’s Desktop Tower Defense for your palm.
    • PenguinLite – How can catapulting Penguins not be fun?

    Video Watching – The Touch comes with a YouTube app, but these two are cool too.

    • Joost – View what Joost has to offer.
    • Ustream – Watch Ustream videos.

    Misc – Other cool apps.

    • Stanza – This is an awesome app if you want to read books on your Touch. You can download and read tons of books for free, or for fee.
    • VNC- Because it’s just cool controlling your computer from your iPod.
    • Mint – I never used the site until the app came out. It’s nice to get a quick glance at all my banking accounts on my Touch.
    • USA Today – I nice app to catch up on the news with.
    • Remote – Great for remotely controlling iTunes.

    That’s just a few of my favorite apps. Maybe I do have quite a few apps.

  • Shift Work

    At my job it is required that someone be there 24/7, 356.25 days a year. We work 12 hour shifts, so I either work from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, or from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM. We switch shifts every four weeks. For the last few night shifts I have been switching with a co-worker that was working a second job and wanted to stay on nights. I just started my first night shift since August. I forgot how much I like nights. It’s so much slower and quieter. I can get a lot more reading done.

    I actually really love my shifts. It’s nice to change it up every four weeks. Days are much busier at work, but it’s nice to be up at normal hours too. Nights are nice and quiet and I get to stay up late on my days off. I am a night and morning person if that is really possible. I love getting up early and I love staying up late. I pretty much don’t like sleeping. I could get way more done if I didn’t have to waste five hours a day sleeping. Am I weird?