Snow and Cold On Its Way
Just checked the weather report and we got a near 100% chance of snow this weekend. I am not a weather geek and I don’t follow the reports all too often, but I have never seen a “near 100%” chance of anything. So I guess that means there is a good chance at some snow. Actually, they are saying we could possible get up too 16 inches of the white stuff. That should be fun to dig out of.
It’s not going to be a fun weekend, but next week looks worse. The high for Monday is suppose to be -10ยบ. lets just hope it’s not windy. I would much rather have a ton of snow over the sub-zero temps. I would also rather deal with our winters and have nice summers over having super hot summers.
Playing WIth New Stuff
Today must be “play with new stuff day”.
First, there was the release of WordPress 2.7. WordPress has always been super easy to update. I have been using the WordPress Automatic Updater plugin, which takes literally seconds to update. I bet it took me three minutes to update four WordPress sites. Apparently, this feature is now built into WordPress so I will no longer need that plugin. The new dashboard is nice and clean and customizable, but frankly, I don’t use the dashboard much. Most of my blogging is done from MarsEdit.
Second, Google Maps now has the street view option for Fargo. It was pretty cool to see the streets of Fargo in greater detail. I found my house and saw our two cars in the driveway.
Third, I started fiddling around with Windows Live. I figured their SkyDrive would be another good place to have my photos backed up at. With the 25 GB you get for free I should be able to back up all my photos at full quality. You can never have enough backups.
What’s Next?
Wicked Weekend
I finally have some time to post about the weekend. Wicked was pretty good, and had some amazing singers in it. I have seen a handful of musicals in my life, and I have enjoyed every one. Some people think going to musicals might mot be very manly, but they really are pretty cool. It’s not like they are operas or anything. Every musical that I have ever been to has had a great storyline with some amazing singers.
The worst part about the weekend was the driving. We wanted to head down there Friday, but the roads were too icy, and I chickened out and turned around after almost going in the ditch. The drive back was a little better, but not by much. There was a multi-car pile up on the interstate, so we were detoured for twelve miles on some narrow icy road in the middle of nowhere.
We got home pretty late and then I had to work early the next morning. I still feel like I am trying to catch up on sleep.
Off to See Wicked
I have this weekend off, but it going to be a busy one.
We are heading back to our home town for the weekend.
My Mom recently bought a piano, and she wants to get rid of her china hutch to make room for the piano, so we are taking the hutch. It would be tough to pack for the weekend and get everything in the cab of my truck, so we rented a trailer for the hutch. They wanted $133 to rent a trailer to haul one way, but only $15 a day if we bring it back to the same place we rented it from. So we will be towing the trailer there and back.
So we will be spending Friday night and Saturday with friends and family. Then Sunday we have tickets to see Wicked down in Minneapolis. Erica went to it a few weeks ago and enjoyed it, so I am sure we will have fun.
We will then have a long drive back to get home in time for work on Monday morning. I am hoping the weather is good. So far they are just say flurries for Sunday.
Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader
At work the other day someone got an email with a simple math problem. Nobody could solve it, nobody, but me that is. I thought it was pretty simple. I am no math genius, but it was my favorite subject after science in school. Am I weird that I find math fun? I actually wish I could do more math for fun. I know I forgot most of the math that I learned in school, which sucks. So, here is that problem that nobody could figure out:
There are 7 girls on a school bus. Each girl has 7 backpacks. In each backpack there are 7 big cats. Each big cat has 7 little cats.
How many legs are on the bus?
There is no trickery. It’s just a simple math problem. Is it really hard, or do I work with a bunch of dummies? Try it out and put your answers in the comments.
Happy Thanksgiving
I hope everybody is having a happy Thanksgiving. I wish we were having Thanksgiving. I have been married eight years, and it is still weird when I miss a holiday with my family. My family has rock solid traditions. Thanksgiving dinner is always on Thanksgiving, at Grandma’s house, at noon, not 11:30, not 12:30, but noon. Now it’s been moved to my Aunts house since my Grandma is getting up there in age and has downsized to an apartment.
The Wife’s family celebrates holidays on different days sometimes to work with people’s schedules, so I won’t get my Thanksgiving dinner until Saturday. They also don’t have lutefisk, or lefse, because nobody likes them. I don’t know how they can be Norwegians and not like them. I guess I will have to do without this year.
It was a beautiful day out today. It got up into the 40s, so I took advantage of it and got our Christmas lights up.
Now I gotta find something to eat and watch some football for the rest of the day.
Thanksgiving Weekend
This year we are spending Thanksgiving with the Wife’s family. We usually go to her Aunts house here in Fargo. Fargo is pretty centrally located for our families, so everybody heads here. Well, her Aunt’s house is a mess because they are remodeling a couple of rooms. That means everybody is going to be at our house. I hate having a house full of people. Our house is also smaller than her Aunt’s, so it’s going to be a little crowded. We are putting heaters and tables in the garage so everybody has a place to sit and eat. My job today is to clean and sweep out the garage. The Wife said she is going to handle everything else, so that’s cool. I will be glad when it’s all done.
Thankfully this is all going to happen on Saturday and I have to work. I will miss out on all the fun. Shucks.
I Can Has Feed Reader
Play Adventure on your iPhone/iPod Touch
Back in 1984 I discovered a simple, but awesome game for my Atari 2600. It was simply called Adventure. To this day I still play the game from time to time on emulators. There isn’t much to the game. You just wonder around looking for the trophy to bring back to your castle while avoiding being eaten by the dragons. The coolest thing about the game was that on the hardest level, everything was always found in different places. Back in 1984 that was a cool thing. Every time you played the game it was different. Well, today I just discovered that the game is also available for the iPhone/iPod Touch. I already downloaded it and played it. It’s so cool to play one of my favorite game on my iPod. Now I am off to find what other childhood memories I can relive on my iPod.
Make Audiobooks
I am a big fan of audiobooks. I like to read, but struggle to find the time. With audiobooks I can listen while I am doing work around the house. I probably listen to two books a month that way. Most of my audiobooks come from audible, but I have ripped some from CDs, and downloaded some free ones. The ones that I rip and download have always been a pain to manage because they are usually multiple files and my iPod doesn’t recognize them as audiobooks.
I have tried editing them to combine them into one file, but that is kind of a pain in the ass. I have finally found an easy solution.
Doug over at dougsripts.com has an app called Join Together that does it all. It combines all the files into one, and marks it as an audiobook so iTunes and iPods handle it just like it was an Audible file. This solution is Mac only, but I am glad to finally have a solution.