Car for a Home?
I just read this on our local newspaper’s website:
The Fargo Police Department is informing the public of a Level III or high-risk sex offender’s change of address.
Jeffrey Paul Theisen is now living in a white 1996 Mercury Cougar with North Dakota license plate number HNL-738.
He parks in the area of the 1700 block of Fargo’s 49th Street South and visits an apartment at 2036 49th St. S., police said in a press release issued today.
It’s kinda scary that a sex offender is calling his car his home. This probably happens all the time in cities with warmer climates. Not so much in Fargo. With the price of gas these days, who knows what he is going to do come winter. Heating his car is probably going to cost more then rent somewhere.
Scary Weekend
So we had a little scare over the weekend. Saturday I got an email from my Mom. She spent most of Friday in the hospital. She had an MRI because she has been having some back pain. After she left the office she went shopping. Then she got a call from her doctor to come in immediately. There was something wrong with her aorta. They diagnosed her with an aortic dissection. Kinda scary so I have actually heard of that. That is what killed John Ritter. It can be deadly if not discovered.
My Mom has a major problem with people from other countries, foreigner. Of course the Doctor was Indian, most of the doctors around here are. Unfortunately, if you are not white with a northern accent, my Mom wont trust you. The doctor wanted her to take beta blockers to lower her blood pressure. She refused saying she doesn’t have high blood pressure so she doesn’t need them. She took the prescription though and left.
After she got home she talk to my brother who is a chiropractor. He told her to start taking the pills immediately, and he is usually against taking pills for a lot of things.
I was worried Saturday night, but after I found out that she listened to my brother, I feel better. I guess she just has to rest, relax and take the pills and it should heal on it’s own. It doesn’t sound like it is bad enough for surgery.
Lithium with Sock Puppets
I was a hugh Nirvana fan back in the 90s. They are still my all time favorite band even though I don’t listen to them much anymore. Nevermind is my all time favorite album. It was basically glued into my tape deck of my ’83 olds. My hair was long, bangs were down to my chin. My jeans were holey and I was never without my flannel shirt. Times sure have changed, but “Lithium” still brings tears to my eyes for some reason. Today I ran across this video on YouTube. It is Polyphonic Spree doing a cover of “Lithium” with sock puppets. It’s funny, but sure brings back memories of 1992.
White & Nerdy in Legos
I loved Weird Al’s “White and Nerdy”. The video was all over the net when it first came out. Well, here it is again… in LEGOS!
Punk Rawk Show
MXPX have been one of my favorite punk bands since the early 90s when I first got into punk. They played in Fargo three times that I know of and it sucks that I was only about to catch them once. Their newest album came out last month and it RAWKS just like all their other ones. They just recently performed two songs and a cover of a Tom Petty song for AOLs Sessions Under Cover. I am a sucker for acoustic guitars and cover songs. Check them out!
I’m Back
Ok, it’s not September yet, but I am back. Things in the house are starting to get back to normal. We still got a ton of upcoming projects, but nothing to major for now.
This past weekend we took a little vacation to the Wisconsin Dells. It rained the whole time, so it pretty much sucked. There isn’t much to do there that is indoors. I was looking forward to some water parks. I have never been down a water slide in my life. It was raining and in the 50s. Not my kind of weather for being in a water park. That didn’t some some people though. There were some crazy people at the parks. We did get some free tickets to an indoor water park, but it was quite small and packed with people, so we just left.
I don’t know what was worse, the weather, or having to spend 6 hours in a car with my Mom. I love my Mom, but I totally disagree with her on politics and religion. To her George Bush is a hero. She believes that he have prevented thousands of Muslim terrorist attacks. She thinks every Muslim is a terrorist. Since 9/11 my Mom has also gotten super religious. She use to listen to crappy country music, but now she listens to something worse, crappy Christian music.
I have no idea if my Mom knows how left wing and anti-religion I am. I just keep my mouth shut and turn up my iPod. She is the kind of person that is never wrong so it is pointless to explain my beliefs to her.
I don’t think I will be blogging much in August. I was out of town last weekend, and I am heading out of town again next weekend. The little time that I do have at home seems to be filled with miscellaneous house stuff. See you in September.
I Hate Missing MCS
So the best band in the world is playing in the cities again in November. Sadly I wont be able to catch them this time. They are playing November 24th, and we are having family over that weekend for Thanksgiving. I can’t wait for their new album to come out in September. They just recently released a new single on iTunes. I want it so bad, but I and not going to buy DRM crippled music, so I will just have to wait until the album comes out. They do play their newest single on their latest Webisde though. Check it out:
To Much on My Plate
So I have been listening to podcasts since October 2004. Every one that sounds interesting I check out. If I like it I keep listening. I very seldom unsubscribe from podcasts. There are just too many good podcasts out there though. Today I went through my podcasts and had to unsubscribe from a bunch of good ones that I like. I just don’t have the time to keep up anymore. Now with the new house we have a bunch of house projects coming up. Football season is coming up. And I really need more time to catch up on my TiVo, Netflix, and book reading. Hopefully cutting back on my podcast listening will free up some more time.
Chocolate Rain
So the latest YouTube craze is that stupid Chocolate Rain video. It is so catchy. I have had that dumb song in my head all weekend. If you don’t know what I am talking about here it is:
Well now Tre Cool from Green Day is getting into the mix.
I need help. I can’t get that damn song out of my head. Hopefully I infected you so I am not along.