Random Shit
The Action Design are playing a few dates on the Warped Tour this year. I wish I could see them.
I subscribe to a Flickr tag for Fargo so I can see what people in my home town are posting. The other day I found a set with some really good pictures of the Hellogoodbye concert I went to last week. Much better than I could have taken.
Our coffee maker died the other day so we bought a new one yesterday. We spent the money and got a good one that has an espresso machine built into it. I don’t know if the coffee maker can make that much of a difference, but the coffee sure seems to taste better than our old machine made.
Last night I learned a secret in the blogosphere. I could tell you, but I would have to kill you.
I just heard Leo’s exercise ball pop on TWiT. I loled for real.
Motherfuckin’ C*****e
So last night at work they played “Suck My Kiss” from the Chili Peppers on the radio and didn’t bother bleeping the word motherfucker. So let me get this straight, you can’t say cocaine on the radio, but you can say motherfucker?
Last night they played that old Kid Rock song, “Picture” on the radio and they bleeped out the word cocaine. Since when can you not say cocaine on the radio? Back when they played that song every five minutes they never bleeped that work. I hate when they censor stupid stuff like that. Even the F-bombs. Who the fuck really cares about an occasional F-bomb? Is it really harmful to people to hear that word?
Personally I don’t swear a lot and I don’t really like when other people swear a lot. I think the overuse of swear words shows a lack of intelligence, and de-emphasizes it too much. How fuckin’ pissed can you really be if every other word if fuck?
Wow, I think I swore more in the post then the rest of my blog combined.
Fuck yeah!
I have been interested in the “Getting Things Done” action management system for a while now. I never thought my life was really complicated enough to use the system. About a week ago I installed iGTD. I am surprised how much stuff I had to do that I kept in my head. Now I just dump everything that I needs to get done into iGTD. I am working on keeping my head empty and just referring to iGTD when I have spare time to get something done. I have barley scratched the surface in all the GTD stuff, but it seems to be working well so far.
So Wednesday I will be going to the Hellogoodbye concert. It should be a good concert. I like all three bands that are playing, The Rocket Summer, Boys Like Girls, and Hellogoodbye. The only one that I have seen before is Boys Like Girls. I was going to post some tunes from those bands, but I think I will just point you to their Myspace pages. It’s easier and legal.
We went and picked up Hellogoodbye tickets today. I went to order them at Ticketmaster and they wanted $45 for two $16 tickets. I thought that was crazy so we went right to playmakers and only paid $32 for them. It’s so nice not having to pay Ticketmaster’s outrageous fees.
The concert is this Wednesday night at The Venue. I really like The Venue. It’s a small place so it’s easy to get right up front, plus it’s only a five minute drive to there there.
I Hate Door to Door Salesmen
Today we had some Kirby door to door salesmen come to our house. I HATE door to door salesmen. I would have never let them in my house, but the wife answered the door. They were here two fuckin’ hours trying to sell us a new vacuum cleaner. I know Kirby makes good vacuum cleaners, but now I am never going to buy one. The main reason I would never buy one now is because they came to my door and wasted two hours of my Saturday afternoon.
Advertising seems to work in reverse for me sometimes. I hate companies that advertise too much. I would never use 1on1 for webhosting. I don’t know if they are good or bad, but their ads take up way more space in the magazines I read then they should. I hate them for the shear fact that their ads are too big.
Am I weird that way? Big obnoxious ads and door to door salesmen must work, or they wouldn’t use them. They just don’t work on me that’s for sure.
Almost On Chris Pirillo’s Show
So last night I was in Chris Pirillo’s IRC room and he was answering tech questions that he was going to put up on YouTube. He actually answered one of my questions and addressed me by name. He was having audio problems though, so I don’t think it’s going to make it to YouTube. Oh well. I guess I will get my 15 minutes some other time.
I probably wont be blogging much the next five days. I am working five straight 12 hour days. I wont be doing much more than working and sleeping. The good part is I will be getting 16 hours of overtime. That should help cover the cost of having to buy a new iPod this week.
In the mean time you could check out my tumblelog. I have been using tumblr for quite a while. I am using it to collect all my RSS feeds and post them all there. it’s a blog that contains everything that I am into and find cool on the internets. It always contains more content than this blog does.
Congratulations Clintus
Something great happened today on Twitter. Clintus McGintus was tweeting the birth of his son. It was pretty incredible watching his updates. I don’t know much about Clintus. I just enjoy his video blog. Congratulations dude.
Technorati Tags: Clintus McGintus