• I Need to Read More

    I always have a hard time to find time to read. It feels weird to me if I am not doing more than one thing at once. Right now I am listening to a podcast (Dawn and Drew), reading my rss feeds on one computer, and blogging on another. That’s three things. Books require all my attention hence I never get around to them.

    This weekend I read a book at work. I am working nights, and they are very slow. I finally got around to reading King Dork by Frank Portman. It’s a great book. The best one I have read this year. So what if it’s also the only book I have read so far this year. It’s a great book. The first review on the back of the book nails it:

    This book is for you if you’re in a band or wish you were, if you loved or hated The Catcher in the Rye, if you’ve ever spoken Francais or Franglais, or if your high school has or had a dumb mascot. Basically, if you are a human being with even a vague grasp of the English language, King Dork will rock your world.
    -John Green, author of Looking for Alaska

    If the name Frank Portman doesn’t ring a bell, Dr. Frank should….or maybe not, but it should. Dr. Frank is the lead singer of The Mr. T Experience. They are a great band that I have loved for many years.

    Dr. Frank also has a blog. I have been reading his blog for years too. Now I just have to get a picture taken so I can be in the Dork Gallery.

    “King Dork” (Frank Portman)

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  • I am Ready for A Vacation

    So this was a cold ass weekend. It is now -11º. It is suppose to be warming up now though. I hear it will be above zero tomorrow. Weather.gov is saying 7º. That will feel like a heat wave.

    So since it was such a cold weekend all we were thinking about was vacation. We have went somewhere for vacation every year now for the past 6. So in March we are now going to Orlando. I have been there a ton of times, but haven’t been there since 2001. It should be fun. We will only be gone four days. It will be short and sweet. I have family down so it will be a cheap vacation since we have lots of places to stay at. I don’t know what we will be doing, but just feeling warmer weather would be great.

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  • Brrrr

    We have been spoiled this winter. We hardly have any snow and it has been pretty warm so far. Well, the cold is finally here. It is -4º now wind chill is -29º. And it’s not looking like it’s going to get much better anytime soon. Well, they are saying 13º, that will feel pretty warm.
    I am really loving weather.gov. Much better than weather.com. Way more info and no annoying ads.

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  • Easier, Faster, Blogging

    I am always looking for software that makes it easier for me to post to my blog. I have played with a few different programs that were cool in the past, but none of them really stuck. I always went back to posting from the site. Part of the problem was I was always posting from different computers. Now with the MacBook I pretty much do all my blogging on it. I finally downloaded the trial version of Ecto. I am really liking it. I have avoided it in the past because it isn’t free. I am a cheapskate. I always lean toward the free and cheap. I am really thinking about buying it though. $17.95 isn’t all that bad.

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  • My New Toy

    I don’t even think I mentioned my new toy I got last week. Last week we got a Xbox 360. Yesterday I got a copy of Madden 07 from eBay. I think I am going to eBay all my games. Way cheaper, and who cares if they are used. I don’t have any friends that have Xboxes, so I don’t have many friends on Xbox Live. I did add Jenn Cutter from OpenAlpha as a friend. Over the weekend I actually got to chat with her. I felt stupid and didn’t have much to say, but it was cool to talk to her anyways. I would give out my gamertag, but I don’t think any of my readers have a Xbox 360.

    Today I updated all my feeds for my video podcasts to download the wmv versions. I am not a fan of wmv, but that is the only file type the 360 plays. Now I can watch my video podcast on my TV with the 360. I see a lot of potential in the Xbox Live Marketplace. It’s cool to be able to download little games, but now you can download movies and TV shows. I haven’t head about all the features in Apples new Apple TV, but the 360 can probable do most of them and play games.

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  • 2.5 Years

    I was listening to TWiT last night and they said TWiT is two years old. Their first show was at MacWorld two years ago. That’s crazy. That means I have been hooked on podcasts for two and a half years. I started listening to podcasts in October of 2004. It seem like yesterday. My how time flies by.

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  • Last Two Hours Wasted

    I will not be lazy and backup Quicken every month.
    I will not be lazy and backup Quicken every month.
    I will not be lazy and backup Quicken every month.
    I will not be lazy and backup Quicken every month.
    I will not be lazy and backup Quicken every month.
    I will not be lazy and backup Quicken every month.
    I will not be lazy and backup Quicken every month.

  • Quote of the Day

    From Scott Adams’ blog on a post about whether humans are designed to eat meat or just vegetables.

    “Have you tried to outrun an animal lately? Those fuckers are fast.”

  • I Missed Him

    If any of you watch zefrank you know that a guy by the name of Running Fool has been hitchhiking around the US from Oregon to the east coast and then back to Oregon. Well, he isn’t really hitchhiking, he is setting up all his rides and places to crash online with viewers of zefrank’s show. He started on December 8th. Back when he started I check out his route and noticed he was scheduled to go through Fargo on January 4th. I totally forgot about it. I was seriously thinking about meeting him. Today he was in Fargo and ate at Space Aliens. Space Aliens is five minutes away from me. It even made our local paper. You can check out his journey at HumanBaton.com.