What locker room for transgender?
This lazy Sunday morning started like many with me reading the news on my iPad in bed. I ran accros this article about a woman that got baned from Planet Fitness for complaining about a transgendered women in the locker room. Yes it’s Fox News. I read all sorts of news outlets to get wider opinions, plus it’s fun laughing at the ignorant comments on Fox News.
This article was no different. There was no end the the amount of ignorance in the comments.
I’m by no means an expert on transgender people, so I see where people are coming from, but I know one thing, people are born that way. They aren’t dressing up like a girl to sneak into the girls bathroom. Fuck you if that’s what you think. There is so much more to transgender than that.
I have a blog friend that has a transgenderd child, and I applaud her for letting her child dress the way she wants to dress. I don’t know if I could be that cool of parent. It pains me to she her struggling to get her child equal rights, but I’m so glad she is strong enough to do it. It’s going to get harder for her once her child is middle school aged. I remember being that age and picking on a kid in the locker room because he was a late bloomer and had a small penis with no pubes yet. Kids can be so mean.
I agree with Planet Fitness that transgender people should be allowed it the locker room that they feel comfortable in. Being a transgender woman with a penis in a women’s locker room is NOT the same as a guy dressing up like a woman to sneak into the women’s locker room. A lot of transgender women look more like a woman that a man anyway and would be totally out of place in the mens locker room. Proper locker room etiquette is to keep to yourself and not checking out other people’s crotches. That would be inappropriate locker room etiquette. Inappropriate locker room etiquette is a reason to ban someone, and that is exactly what happened to this Michigan woman. Right on you Planet Fitness.
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