I’m a Tech-Head Not A Gear-Head
I am not a gear-head. I know just a little more than nothing about cars and engines and such. Today was finally a nice enough day to get our lawn mowed, but our lawn mower wouldn’t run. I changed the spark plug and air filter and changed out the gas, but still no go. Good thing the neighbor was outside. He let be barrow his mower. I would have never asked him. I hate asking neighbors for things. My Father-in-Law is coming up next weekend. I am sure he will be able to get out mower fixed. It’s only three years old, so it can’t be a big thing.
Give me a broken computer and I can fix it no problem, a lawn mower, that’s a different story.
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you’re still a few steps ahead of me… I wouldn’t even know where to find the air filter or spark plus