Weekend Mess

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the mess we came home to.

My Wife had a little list of things for her Brother to do. It was nothing crazy. Just keep the house cleaned up, do your dishes, lock the doors when you leave, get the mail, and no parties.

He wasn’t home when we got home, doors were all unlocked, mail boxed was packed full, not a clean dish in the cupboard. He didn’t do anything on the list. I knew there was trouble as soon as we drove into the garage. It smelled like a bar. It reeked of smoke and alcohol. He clammed the sticky alcohol smelling substance spilt all over the garage was water, Yeah, whatever. I had to get the hose out to clean the garage. At least it was in the garage and not the house. It was so obvious he had a party, yet he still denies it.

The good thing about it is that it pissed my Wife off and she is even more likely kick him out by August 1st.

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