Flashback Friday: Letters to Cleo – “Here and Now”
I can’t believe I haven’t posted a Letters to Cleo video yet. “Here and Now” is probably their most popular song. The video looks a little dated, but I still love the song. I loved every single Letters to Cleo album. They were one of my all time favorites. Kay Hanley’s solo stuff is also really good, and I love her new band Palmdale too. -
The Assumption Song
via boingboing.net -
A Mind-Boggling Demonstration of Quantum Levitation
This video has been posted all over the interwebs. I wish I knew, or even halfway understood the science that makes this work.
*Update* Kyle over at Science-Based Life has an explanation on what’s going on here.
So True
via Reddit -
I’m not one to post cat pictures. The internet is already full of them, but this was just too cute not to share.
Best. Nickelback. Parody. Ever.
via youtube.comThis is a three year old video, but it’s new to me. Funniest thing I have seen in a long time.
Flashback Friday: Crash Test Dummies–“Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm”
I love and hated this song. It was catchy, good, and annoying all at the same time.
Poor Bieber
via Reddit -
Backing up
via RedditI’ve been seeing a lot of this lately. Except of course my iPhone isn’t named “dat ass”. Ha.
iOS 5 upgrade
I love software upgrades. No matter what it is, I always have to have the latest and greatest. It’s like a free present. Many upgrades I have had regrets doing, but I still always get them as soon as possible.
Today was a big day for upgrades. iOS 5 came out. I upgraded my phone already, and am working on getting my iPad upgraded. I like the new features so far. Lifehacker has a great article about all of the new features.
Now it’s time to play!