Valentine Day Tim Minchin
links for 2010-02-11
links for 2010-02-10
A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything
links for 2010-02-09
links for 2010-02-08
Super Bowl Commercials
Every year that I watch the Super Bowl I am always amazed at how many people care about the commercials. Why anyone would care about commercials bogles my mind. Don’t people use DVRs to fast forward the damn things? Who cares if they are new, or maybe funny. They are just trying to push products.
Another thing I don’t get is why so many big companies waste money on Super Bowl commercials. I have heard of Coke and budweiser before. Spending millions on a Super Bowl ad isn’t going to get me to by your product anymore. Unless you were a newish company, or launching a new product, why waste the money? I guess the advertising works for a lot of people. It doesn’t work for me though.
Actually advertising probably has a greater chance at turning me away from your product then onto it. 1 and 1 hosting is one company that I wont use because of obnoxiously large ads in computer magazine I read. Godaddy is another one. I am in the process of transferring all my domains away from them. They have stupid sexist commercials, and try to up-sell you on every purchase. Two things I can’t stand.
Then there was the whole Tim Tebow controversy. Honestly, if I never would have read about it I wouldn’t have even known. I wouldn’t even have known what it was about if they didn’t put up their website at the end. To me if anything, it was a pro-choice ad. His Mom had a choice and was glad she made the right one for herself. Big fricken deal. Focus on the Family must be rolling in the dough if they can afford a Super Bowl ad that doesn’t really push their agenda at all.
I really didn’t see too many of the commercials though. It was a great game and commercial time was peeing, and reading Twitter time for me.
links for 2010-02-06
Lennart Green: Close-up Card Magic
Since I was a kid I have always loved magic shows. Whenever I get a chance to see one I do. Good magicians amaze me. In the above video Lennart Green does some amazing card tricks. I know some of the tricks he uses, but it’s still amazing watching him pull off the tricks so easily.
links for 2010-02-03